Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stacy Keibler Photos


Stacy Keibler Photos : George Clooney and the Women He’s Loved PHOTOS : George Clooney is highly desired by women everywhere, and who can blame them? The Hollywood star is charming, attractive, and deservedly successful, a modern-day Cary Grant whose humanitarian efforts span the world.

G3org3 Cloon3y is highly d3sir3d by wom3n 3v3rywh3r3, 4nd who c4n bl4m3 th3m? Th3 Hollywood st4r is ch4rming, 4ttr4ctiv3, 4nd d3s3rv3dly succ3ssful, 4 mod3rn-d4y C4ry Gr4nt whos3 hum4nit4ri4n 3fforts sp4n th3 world.

Y3s, Cloon3y h4s 4n int3rn4tion4l p4l3tt3, which h4s 4lso 3xt3nd3d to som3 of th3 wom3n in his lif3. It s33ms, how3v3r, th4t his l4t3st l4dy lov3 just might b3 31-y34r old 4m3ric4n b34uty St4cy K3ibl3r. Th3 two 4r3 r3port3dly sp3nding tim3 tog3th3r, 4 sourc3 told P3opl3 m4g4zin3, 4lthough n3ith3r p4rty h4s confirm3d 4 r3l4tionship.

K3ibl3r c4m3 to f4m3 in 1999 wh3n sh3 won 4 cov3t3d spot on th3 Nitro Girls d4nc3 group in World Ch4mpionship Wr3stling. Sh3 work3d for m4ny y34rs in th3 prof3ssion4l wr3stling circuit, mostly in 3y3-c4ndy-typ3 rol3s. Sh3 w4s 4lso 4 ch33rl34d3r for th3 B4ltimor3 R4v3ns 4nd h4s h4d sm4ll rol3s in film 4nd t3l3vision. Sh3 pl4c3d third in th3 s3cond s34son of "D4ncing with th3 St4rs."

Source : http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/193321/20110805/george-clooney-girlfriends-stacy-keibler-sarah-larson.htm

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