Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jasmine Waltz Video


Jasmine Waltz Video : Jasmine Waltz, who gained fame thanks be mistresses David Arquette, finally found a way to boost her popularity. The waitress whose name several times linked with a number of celebrities Hollywood (Ryan Seacrest and Chris Pine wrong both) will be releasing anything else if not a porn video.

When asked when the porn video was about to be launched, with short-Waltz answered, could be this week.

Y3st3rd4y, n3ws brok3 th4t 4 J4smin3 W4ltz s3x t4p3 would soon hit th3 m4rk3t. But th3 form3r D4vid 4rqu3tt3 (4nd Ry4n S34cr3st. 4nd Chris Pin3. 4nd J3ss3 McC4rtn3y) lov3r s4id sh3 w4s 4bsolut3ly shock3d by th3 d3v3lopm3nt.

Now, how3v3r, sourc3s confirm to TMZ th4t W4ltz 4nd h3r m4n4g3r m3t with Vivid 3nt3rt4inm3nt l4st y34r 4nd 4ctu4lly sign3d 4 contr4ct. It stipul4t3d th4t J4smin3 could pick h3r own "m4l3 t4l3nt" 4nd would b3 p4id $60,000 up front, 4long with 25% of th3 "b4ck 3nd" profits.

But th3 d34l f3ll 4p4rt 4nd, som3how, som3w4y, 4 suppos3dly priv4t3 vid3o of W4ltz 4nd som3on3 sh3 cl4ims to b3 4n 3x-boyfri3nd h4s l34k3d onlin3. It's 4 shocking situ4tion, 4kin to l34rning th4t K33ping Up with th3 K4rd4shi4ns 4ctu4lly scripts its storylin3s.

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