Sunday, January 16, 2011

Healthy Way Celebrities Which Judged Wrong

Scientists at the United States has expressed some celebrity tips related to health otherwise dubious. So, these fans are not immediately called upon to imitate what was done by his idol in terms of health.Organization campaign Sense About Science (SAS) has made a list of healthy tips celebrities who made inappropriate in terms of health fad. The list includes actors, pop stars, and other public figures are considered one of providing health tips. This is done to bring awareness to the celebrities that what they did wrong and that society and flatly modeled what their idol.SAS noted footballer David Beckham and fiance Prince William, Kate Middleton, has been seen wearing silicone bracelets hologram is claimed to increase energy and stamina. In addition, the supermodel Naomi Campbell, and actor...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How to Prevent Headaches

How to Prevent Headaches : Ever headache, dizziness dizziness, or feeling sore all over body, stomach pains, decreased appetite? Go to a health clinic, a doctor, or to the hospital, but did not heal as well? Be careful, maybe we're depressed alias severe stress. If allowed to stress this thought can disturb the soul.Sometimes a doctor or medical officer at the clinic several times to receive patients with the same disease. Drugs have repeatedly given but not too well. At that moment, the medical officer will usually ask the patient to consult. Starting from the problem of disease to the possibility of other problems that burden the patient,By opening a direct psychiatric consultations with patients, residents expected to be aware of the basic problems that cause her pain weakly. Healing can...

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