One Piece : SH crew but still faces problems because they were tired and had to fight the PX-1 and sentoumaru.choper become uncontrollable when he saw Luffy defeated by Sentoumaru and immediately takes 3 Rumble ball and a giant (the same as in the case enies lobby). Zorro, Sanji, Brook , and Usopp were defeated by the PX-1, and when all will be killed by the PX-1, come kuma.dan SH rescue crew to fly them all with his DF ability.forces with a naval battle that has been entered, and seek to liberate their camie.Tapi mengetaui that ratai that in the body could explode anytime Camie sajapun into the middle of confusion munculah bingung.Di The Legendary Pirate "Dark King Silver Rayliegh" which turned out to be the first crew at the same time right-hand Pirate King " Gold D Roger ". Rayliegh then...