Friday, September 16, 2011

Metta World Peace: Ron Artest changes name to better the world

A court commissioner granted the Lakers forward's request to officially change his name to Metta World Peace on Friday, three weeks after the bid was blocked because Artest had unpaid traffic tickets.Artest, 31, did not attend a brief hearing Friday.MONITOR QUIZ: Weekly news quiz for Sept. 11-16, 2011Superior court spokeswoman Patricia Kelly said that Artest's new last name will be World Peace.His publicist, Courtney Barnes, said the player chose Metta because it is a traditional Buddhist word that means loving and kindness toward all."Changing my name was meant to inspire and bring youth together all around the world," World Peace said in a statement released after the hearing. "After this short delay, my tickets have been paid and I'm glad that it is now official."He requested the change...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Scarlett Johansson Pictures

News For scarlett johansson pictures ,Source News : OMG! Scarlett Johansson admitted taking the nude pictures herself. But did she also leak the naked photos of herself instead of a so-called hacker?Mila Kunis and the Match Point actress are in the same company, sort of. Justin Timberlake's so-called boo (on the down low) and Johansson's phone's were allegedly hacked. Don't you hate when every diabolical thing that smells like a rate gets blamed on the poor defenseless hacker?Scarlett Johansson in Kuwait 02Kunis made out well; her pics only showed her in "compromising" positions....

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